Matthew McConaughey: Greenlights
I have been living this life for fifty years, trying to unravel its mystery for forty-two years. I note down successes and failures, joys and sorrows, things that fill me with amazement and things that make me laugh. How to be fair. How to stress less. How to feel good. How to hurt people less. How to get hurt less. How to be a good person. If you know how and when to deal with life’s challenges — how to get relative with the inevitable — then you can enjoy a state of success I call “catching greenlights”.
Graces, truths and beauties of brutality. Getting away withs, getting caughts and getting wets while trying to dance between the raindrops.
Hopefully, it’s medicine that tastes good, a couple of aspirin instead of the infirmary, a spaceship to Mars without needing your pilot’s license, going to church without having to be born again, and laughing through the tears. It’s a love letter. To life. It’s also a guide to catching more greenlights—and to realizing that the yellows and reds eventually turn green too.
Good luck.
Dezső Kosztolányi – Csodát nekem
Anyone who wandered into the Hadik or New York café in the December of the 1920s and 1930s could often see writers and poets scribbling at small marble tables more keenly than usual.Among them was Dezső Kosztolányi.Towards the end of the year, the most read social magazines of the era, such as Az Est or Színházi Élet, invited well-known artists to write for the Christmas, New Year’s Eve issue. At times like these not only once masterpieces were created - from Kosztolányi's pen as well.
The volume Csodát nekem is a selection of these. Despite uniform topics, it is impressively diverse and colourful, framed in verses, consisting of novels, offering its readers real literary discoveries: writings which have not yet been published in a volume.
Frigyes Karinthy: Karácsonyi társasjáték
Upliftingly solemn or painfully nostalgic poems, short stories interwoven with wise humor, humorous stories written with childish playfulness, satirical sketches, literary parodies, forward-looking, wonderful stories with the theme of Christmas and New Year. Many rarities and novelties in writing - these are collected in the selection of Karácsonyi társasjáték. More of its pieces appear in a volume for the first time, offering its reader the joy of discovery.
Annamária Kádár, Dániel Vízkeleti-Kozma, Emőke Bagdy: Bízz magadban! - Önértékelés, önelfogadás, önbecsülés
“The problem is I don’t have self-confidence,” we frequently hear, even from those - based on their talents and circumstances - we wouldn’t think are struggling with such a problem. Others do not admit feeling this way and even try to convince us of the opposite with their behavior, however behind their arrogance is often internal insecurity, a lack of self-acceptance. Although our modern culture is self-centered and narcissistic, deep down in our hearts many of us do not love ourselves and we are afraid that others will think little of us, find us inadequate and worthless. That’s why we take up a defensive position so we don’t get hurt even more - or we try our best to prove we’re worth something. However, the doubt within us can only be temporarily alleviated by external successes. In addition, we tend to project our dissatisfaction with ourselves on our environment, thus spreading negative feelings and impatience around us. To whole-heartedly love and appreciate ourselves is not easy if we carry the burden of painful failures, if the offensive, derogatory sentences of others have sunk into our memory, if our parents didn’t accept us unconditionally. In this case we need to improve our self-knowledge in order to discover as an adult: even with all our weaknesses, we are valuable and lovable human beings. The volume’s excellent authors aim at giving assistance in this.
The statue of George H. W. Bush was inaugurated at Szabadság square on 23 October