2 June 2021

Program recommendations

Lavender festival Tihany 2021

Lavender Weeks in Tihany from 19 June to 4 July 2021. Lavender has played an important and prominent role in the history of Tihany and to this day growing and processing lavender has a remarkable tradition.

Lavender Festival - walk in the abbey manor

During the Lavender Festival, the walk will start from the Visitor Center next to the abbey at the following times - please register in advance!

• Thursday, June 24: 9:30 am, 3 pm

• Friday, June 25: 9:30 am, 3 pm

• Saturday, June 26: 9:30 am, 3 pm

• Sunday, June 27: 3 pm

Description of the program

• a short film about the Benedictine Abbey of Tihany in the Visitor Center

• walk to the abbey manor: on the way the group passes the former farm buildings of the Benedictine Abbey

• introduction of the location and territorial features of the manor, the conditions of lavender planting, the relationship between Gyula Bittera and lavender

• description of herbs, followed by a quiz

• introduction of tractors

• opportunity of taking photos

• tasting monastic products:            

          liqueur of King Andrew and Queen Anastasia (2x0.04l, 40% / 35%)            

          lavender and lemongrass syrup            

          abbey salty crackers

For more information click the link below 


Tokaj Wine Days June 4-6, 2021. (Multiple locations)

White wine, colorful culture - Tokaj Wine Days! In Tokaj, wine is where traditions and gastronomy meet. Remaining loyal to traditions, the excellent winemakers of Tokaj-Hegyalja offer their best wines and palinkas in the wooden houses set up on the main square of town but the locals also await guests in open cellars. You can also meet the winemakers in person, who enthusiastically have you taste the wine, talk about the process of making and tell you many interesting things.

Wines - Gastronomy - Concerts

Last year, the Tokaj Wine Days has been cancelled due to the situation caused by the coronavirus, but this year it awaits the public in a renewed form between June 4 and 6. The event held on the first weekend of summer is still free of charge, but some programs require a separate ticket, so it’s worth checking in advance.

A few program offers from the 3 days:

In the courtyard of the Paulay Ede Theater, many performances await families during the three days and in addition to the children's programs, however, during the evenings light entertainment is highlighted. On Saturday evening, the Kállay Saunders Band will give a concert and the visitors can enjoy other musical productions as well.

In addition to wine tastings and guided cellar and vineyard tours, you can take part in special gastronomic excursions and musical productions are not to be missed either.

In the Szerelmi Cellar, there will be a guided tasting and a lecture will be held on the medicinal use of Tokaji Aszú and in the Ászok Wine House, several Tokaj-Hegyalja wineries will host and offer their wines.

The Wine Gallery also gives concerts and tastings, but in addition to wines, lectures are held on special coffees, cakes and lemonades at the Kései Cellar.

Those who want to learn more about the local history in addition to the cultural and wine programs should join the Tokaj Walks planned for each day.

You can find out more about the programs and venues at the link below.


Gallery Weekend Budapest

The Association of Contemporary Galleries will organize the Gallery Weekend Budapest event (GWB), the festival of Hungarian contemporary art for the seventh time on June 18-19-20, 2021. Today Gallery Weekend events are held in many major cities around the world (Brussels, Chicago, Dublin, Havana, Kaunas, Mexico City, Paris, Barcelona, ​​Warsaw, Berlin, Beijing, Tel Aviv, Antwerp, London). It was launched by the Association of Contemporary Galleries in Budapest in 2014.

Those interested can take part in pre-announced ‘offline’ programs (eg gallery tours, exhibition openings, curatorial guided tours, conversation with the artist). There are two tours each day, at 12 pm and 4 pm. The meeting and starting point is the gallery marked as the first station. The total length of the tour is max. 2 hours. For each gallery approx. 20-30 minutes are available to view the exhibition. The program is free of charge, but pre-registration is required.

This year 14 galleries join the festival: acb, Deák Erika, Einspach Fine Art & Photography, Glassyard, INDA, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Kisterem, Knoll Budapest, MissionArt, Molnár Ani, MyMuseum, TOBE, Várfok and VILTIN.

This art event provides an opportunity to rediscover and expand the space around us - all through guided tours, openings and tours of well-known private galleries. Let this weekend be about Hungarian contemporary art and the ending of the lockdown - let art do what it does best: impress us!

You can find out more at the links below.



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