4 July 2023

July book recommendation

Darwin College Lectures - Extremes

Humanity is confronted by and attracted to extremes. Extreme events shape our thinking, feeling, and actions; they echo in our politics, media, literature, and science. We often associate extremes with crises, disasters, and risks to be averted, yet extremes also have the potential to lead us towards new horizons. Featuring essays by leading intellectuals and public figures arising from the 2017 Darwin College Lectures, this volume explores 'extreme' events, from the election of President Trump, the rise of populism, and the Brexit referendum, to the 2008 financial crisis, the Syrian war, and climate change. It also celebrates 'extreme' achievements in the realms of health, exploration, and scientific discovery. A fascinating, engaging, and timely collection of essays by renowned scholars, journalists, and intellectuals, this volume challenges our understanding of what is normal and what is truly extreme, and sheds light on some of the issues facing humanity in the twenty-first century.


Vágyi Petra: Sémáink fogságában - Hogyan lépjünk ki az ismétlődő forgatókönyvekből?

Perhaps we have already noticed that there are certain unpleasant, self-defeating repetitions in our lives. Certain situations - as if a red button were pressed on us - start an automatic process: they awaken recurring thoughts in us, giving us bad feelings, which cause us to always act in the same way, even though we have already experienced many times that our behavior does not lead in the desired direction. In such cases, we experience a schema-driven operation. (Many times, we aren’t even consciously aware of this, it just happens to us again and again.)

It is very likely that we have schemas, because almost everyone does. Schemas - that is, unwanted patterns that repeat in our lives - are always formed in childhood and adolescence as a result of damaged, unsatisfied basic needs. These injuries and deficiencies determine the way we look at ourselves and the world, they recolor certain areas and distort our perception of reality. However, until we consciously reflect on this, our own schema-driven thoughts and feelings seem to be indisputable truths.  We will find ourselves in similar situations again and again, which we try to deal with in the same way as we did in our childhood or adolescence. However, what might have been a useful solution then and there, here and now is holding us back and leading us astray.

Schema therapy helps us to think about why we do what we do, to set aside beliefs and automatisms that no longer serve us, to feel what we currently need, and to figure out how we can achieve it.

In addition to presenting the theory of the method, this book helps us identify our own schemas so that we can then consciously begin to become independent from schema-driven operation. The goal is to strengthen our healthy adult self as much as possible, who sees what is happening inside and is able to change it.

Bakancslista - Kastélyok, várak, kúriák - Titkok, tárgyak, történetek

Does the reader know in which of our castles a sofa "walks" every night? Or where, according to local legend, ghosts live? And which of our castles can we look for treasure chests? Where is the secret tunnel system?  Where, in which of our domestic castles are Beethoven's love letters kept? And where can we see a marble stable? Or, for example, a panopticon?

If you are interested in the most interesting stories of Hungary's nearly 2,000 castles and more than a hundred fortresses, if you would like to read interesting descriptions of quarrels, love battles, dubious sales and purchases or debts, if you are interested in wedding menus and ghost stories, or if you would like to wander through magnificent castle gardens, then you will definitely like the volume of Noémi Kocsis. According to the book's subtitle, we present the 333 most beautiful, strange or interesting historical buildings in Hungary through secrets, objects and stories - with the undisclosed aim that the readers can imagine themselves among the ancient walls. We hope that the book will bring the past to be understood and the present to be discovered closer to the reader through experiences and adventures.

Henri Bergson: Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic

HENRI-LOUIS BERGSON (1859-1941) was one of the most popular and influential philosophers of the first third of the 20th century, most of whose works were translated into all world languages. His views and doctrines brought him great respect in France, and in 1914 the French Academy welcomed him among its members, while the Vatican banned Bergson's writings the same year. The universal value of his work was recognized in 1927 with the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Laughter was published in 1900, and in this witty essay, the author tries to uncover the secrets of humor, that is, he studies what we find funny and why. A good part of Bergson's findings are still valid today - more than a century after the work was published. Let's add: unfortunately, since Bergson, among others, makes such statements: "The comic very often depends on the habits and thinking of a society, that is, let's call it what it is, on its prejudices."

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