4 October 2020

October book review

Edith Eva Eger: The Gift

A new guide from the author of the success book, The Choice, helps us get rid of our destructive patterns and crippling thoughts with inspiring and practical advices and thus enjoy life freely. With the Gift, Eger provides its readers a handbook that gently encourages us to change all our thoughts and behaviors,which have bound us in the past.

The worst prison was not the Nazi camp, but the prison that Edith Eva Eger built in her own mind.The author demonstrates the most emotional and mental states - such as fear, grief, anger, secrecy, stress, guilt, shame and avoidance -, and the tools we can use to overcome them.

source: Líra.hu

Sándor Márai: Az igazi

"A woman knows…" 

Can emotions be destroyed with the help of the intellect, Márai asks in this deep psychological drama. The answer is no, because luckily feelings can sometimes be tamed and softened, but the intellect can never overcome it. The 1941 novel is the monologue of a marriage that was broken; Márai introduces his readers to the intricate love triangle first from the perspective of the wife then the husband;the seemingly tangled mixture of duality and parallels intersect relationships and attitudes with brilliant precision.Márai does not provide justice (can he even do so?), there is only the open question: what is the driving force?Is there a difference in the way a man looks at a woman than the other way around?Or are there motivations beyond love?

source: libri.hu

Gary Chapman: The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts

How can one preserve love in a relationship when passionate love subsides? The answer lies in learning the five love languages:words of appreciation, quality time, gift giving, favors, physical touch. The renewed edition of Gary Chapman’s world-famous book helps couples connect with each other’s love language.

source: bookline.hu

Seneca: On Providence 

For virtue, no matter how obscure, never remains hidden, but sends signs and he who is worthy of it recognizes its traces.

The volume contains three shorter dialogues by Lucius Annaeus Seneca, a Roman stoic philosopher, playwright and statesman: Writings on Providence, Peace of Mind, and on the Happy Life examine the practical moral issues of life.

source: libri.hu

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