1 October 2020

Autumn herbs and their healing effects

The crops of juniper, elderberry, hawthorn, barberry, blackthorn and dog rose are rich in active ingredients that protect us from different diseases.


Its dark blue berry dried well, cannot be left out of our appetizing winter teas. It can be used for digestive problems and it is also an effective diuretic, but it is not recommended for those suffering from kidney disease. It is extremely effective against colds and urinary tract infections.


A useful herb that can be collected in the fall is the rosehip, the most common type of rose. For drying, we should collect bright red healthy rosehips, not yet smeared.  Avoid rosehip bushes along busy roads. Gathering it is difficult because of its thorny stems.The fruits can be dried as a whole, by spreading them out. Its tea is prepared by soaking in cold water in order to preserve the high vitamin-C content of rosehips.Heated to lukewarm with a little honey, it can also be consumed for enjoyment.


The flowers and fruits of black elderberry also contain important active ingredients. In case of a cold or flu, its teaeases and speeds up the recovery process,has a hidrotic, diuretic effect and thus helps remove toxins from the body.


Its dark blue berries are already edible when picked. It has an astringent taste, but is good.However, you need to be careful with the amount because it can even cause constipation. The tea made from its fruit is also used for this purpose, it is worth consuming against diarrhea and enteritis. You can also make an infusion from your flower if you need a mild laxative.

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